Monday, July 26, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday~

This Summer, for me, will always be known as "The Museum Summer". With the heat being so intense the last few weeks, we've made frequent use of museums of all kinds. Of course, the local (and not so local) children's museums were the boys' faves. Everything was interactive and geared towards kids of all ages and development levels. The boys loved playing and we loved that we very rarely had to say no. It was a freeing experience for the Hubs and me (Poppi, too)!

I absolutely loved the studio area in the latest children's museum. Lots of beautiful sunshine streamed in the windows, children's creations were hanging everywhere and art supplies were stuffed in every nook and cranny just waiting for little hands to use them. Very old exposed brick made up one wall...I just ran my hand across it, fascinated with the texture.

As enthralled as I was with that inspiring space our little E-man captured my full attention when he grabbed a crayon and, after his Daddy gave him a piece of paper, started to draw. For the first time. Most definitely a sweet moment...

Thanks for stopping by!


justine Gordon said...

I love this series of pictures and love your blog, really interesting.

Anonymous said...

Very cool. The hearts are so sweet and the messy paint jars are just perfect.

Joy said...

Looks like they had an awesome time painting!

Susan said...

How neat!! Loved these♥

Heather said...

Really neat, Anna. Is that in your home? I love all the windows and the wood floor and the railing and... you get the idea.

So great that you were able to capture this special moment. You could frame the photo with the art, cute!

Courtney said...

Temps are insane. I feel like I'm melting. Cute pics!

Karli @ The Bonnie 5 said...

Eeek! Little paint brushes!!

Swoon! Little crafts!

Oh, you are so creative and I'm so jealous. :-) Love it all! Too funny that you mentioned the museum. We're heading there tomorrow for the same reason you mentioned. Soooo hot!

And you're so sweet for worrying about me. Is that the creepiest thing ever? It takes a lot to spook me, but that was really scary. Next time I'm taking the hubs for backup. ;-)

patty said...

i used to sit at the coffee table and color with my babies. my husband would say, you do realize your are -coloring- right? well, yes! :))

sweet captures! in the post below, too!!! :)

Ashley Sisk said...

I used to love summer trips to the museum - especially the arts museum and science museum. Anyways, this is about you...and this was definitely a sweet moment.