Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sweet Shot Tuesday

I'm feeling a bit nostalgic after my post yesterday. I participated in a photo link-up (Mono Monday) and the subject was Motherhood. I found a b&w photo of our youngest son, E-man, that I took in the hospital right before we brought him home for the first time. *sigh* He was so little!

So I started browsing though past photo folders on my computer and came across the above photo...a gem, if you will. It's very special to me because this was one of the photos that inspired me to start blogging which, in turn, played a part in inspiring me to pick up my brush and paint again. I loved it so much that this and another photo in this series is in my header (designed by the ever talented Darcy!).

We had just dropped off my Mom for one of her treatments for cancer and, with Mom's encouragement, were taking a waterfront stroll. It was peaceful and the Bubs was relaxed and allowing me to snap away. I hold the memory of that walk with him very close to my heart.

Photos are just captured colors and light?
They're memories.


Anonymous said...

They grow up so fast don't they?!

Heather said...

Sweet shot indeed:) love the sentiment behind it too. The water is gorgeous.

It is really neat that this photo inspired you to do so much... isn't it amazing how we are moved by different things? Wonderful:)

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

Very well written and I love the photo!


Petie@inspirednesting.com said...

Great memory! I love photos of the kids when they're not posed.

patty said...

it's a beautiful shot, a beautiful moment in time for you and your family! good job!

Wendy said...

Beautiful picture, and memory...
I love the light on his face and hair.