Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Likes and Gripes

I'm gonna get the Gripes out of the way so I can end on a kinder note with my Likes.


* Is it just me (or where we live) or do people forget traffic rules and parking lot driving etiquette this time of year?

* Elbowing me out of the way to get to something in the store aisle.....soooo not cool.

* Taking children anywhere near a toy section and then daring them to say anything.

* When people act snotty and ungrateful after receiving a gift. Adult people who know better.


*Watching my boys discover the wonder of Christmas...and the true reason for celebrating it.

*Christmas music. Especially live performances.

*Decorating and finding new ways to use what we already have.

*Hot, sweet drinks on cold, blustery days.

* Colorful scarves....and laughing when one of the boys tries to steal them to play with.

*Making plans with the Hubby and conspiring about holiday fun and surprises.

*Christmas baking....now if I could just snag an elf to do the clean up when we get through!

*Reading about all your holiday adventures.


Joanna said...

I think my elf ran away with yours.

I'm still sporting my green fur. Hope things are better for you!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Dang, girl, I never complained about any of your gifts! :-)

Hey, shoot me an e-mail sometime with a Hubby update and an update on those boys too!