Thursday, September 3, 2009

I got bloggy award love, Y'all!

I've had a bloggy award bestowed upon me by the lovely and irreverently funny author of Speaking From The Crib! Thank ya, babe!

If you haven't checked out her blog, you must. You simply must.

I would, however, recommend reading it when you're not drinking anything as it might spurt out of your nose when you start laughing...

So, I think I'm supposed to spread the bloggy award love around to a few peeps. Let me think........

Boondock Ramblings~ Not 'cause she's family, but 'cause her blog is always a good read!
Bugs In My Teeth~ Even when circumstances are tryin' to kick her butt she kicks right back...with a great, slightly warped sense of humor.
3 Boys + 1 Hubby = What's Next~ I have only recently discovered her blog, but I knew I'd found a gal after my own heart when the first post I read was about a good glass of Southern sweet tea! I look forward to reading more...

Peace, Y'all!


Kaye Butler said...

Thanks for stopping by totally on your own accord with no twisting of the bloggyarms!

I gave you a shout out! You may want to make sure you are ready for the thousands and thousands, oh wait...

okay maybe one or two comments you might get from my one or two readers.


now I'm depressed.

Joanna said...

Ah you know me so well. Thanks for the bloggy love and congrats on your award. You so deserve it.


anna - you totally deserve it! i love your sweet blog! i had to blab it to the world! have a great holiday weekend!


if you have more goofy stories like THAT one, you should def post it.