It seems like this has become the time of year when people take on new projects. Improving one's health, cleaning out the attic, organizing important documents...or whatever thing someone has put off doing all seem to suddenly become do-able. Here at our house, we've been cleaning out the unneeded junk and de-cluttering the clutter for a few weeks. Are we done, yet? No way, honey, but we're 95% there. Thank goodness.
As we get closer to some sense of completion with this massive project, it occurs to me that there are other projects that I've put off or forgotten about lurking around the house cryin' out for some love and attention. Recipes that I've been wanting to organize, scrapbooks that need to be started/finished, windows that I've been meaning to scrub, keepsakes and photos that need to know what? I'll just say that I've got some stuff that needs to be gettin' done!
For now, though, I'll just be content that the recipes, photos, scrapbooks, etc. are at least in their respective containers/areas and leave it at that. I'm easily pleased at this point, y'all!
So to all of you who are tackling new projects, finishing up long negleted ones and/or generally trying to shape up, I wish you success and patience in your endeavors!
Thanks for the good wishes! Between redecorating our kids bedroom and putting away my Christmas decorations (will it *ever* be done?) my hands are full!
Have a happy New Year! -MM
hmmm, all of the blogs Ive just checked put seem to have the same messgae. seems that wer are all feeling this way!~ I wish you success and peace girlie, and thank you! hugs, LA
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