Thursday, June 25, 2009

"Hi, my name is Anna and I'm a Scifi nut."

I've always been a bit fascinated by fantasy or science fiction. I grew up watching Star Trek (the Piccard years) with Mom and I've been watching or reading scifi stuff ever since.

My new addiction is Primeval on the BBC America network, pictured on your left. The Hubs got hooked on to the Doctor Who series after he started watching it with me.

Among my other fave shows to watch are Firefly, Stargate SG-1/Atlantis, Sanctuary and Farscape.

Slowly, but surely, the Hubs is joining in the mania with me. Now I'm not a "Trekkie" or one of those people who stay up at night dreaming of going to the next Comic Con. I just enjoy the fun of escaping into another world an hour at a time. It's neat to see what worlds and cultures some of these show creators come up with. I get the same thing when I read a book where the author has created new societies and even new languages.

I didn't realize that my scifi fascination had reached this height until the Hubs and I started talking about all the shows that we watch. Um, let's just say that if the Scifi channel went off the air, I'd be a mite upset.

Even though I may not be so nutty that I dress up in a fave character's costume, I am that person who keeps an eye out for sales on seasons of the shows we watch. Amazon knows where we live.

So there you have it. My not-so-secret, silly obsession is out. What's your silly obsession? Are you brave enough to share? Huh? *big grin*

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

And he didn't even join a hair club...

Bless his heart, E-man's hair is growin' in. None of us can resist rubbing this new downy bit of fuzziness and, as a result, he's got a kind of baby faux hawk goin' on. You can't really tell in this picture, though....oops!

He's three months old as of this past Sunday. There have been sleepless nights, frantic runs to the store to get formula and dipes at the last minute, many adjustments to our routines and habits, sad times when I would reach for the phone to tell Mom about a new cute thing only to realize she's not there and even a few moments when the Hubs and I were stumped as to why we had a wailing baby on our hands. On the flip side, there's been much needed laughter, wonder and delight at each new ability and discovery as the E-man grows and the Bubs learns about being a big bro. Good times, y'all.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I'm baa-aaack!

It's quite alright if you didn't even know that I was gone. After all, y'all have busy lives!

Where am I back from, you ask?

We just got back from a week's visit with Hubby's family. The Bubs and E-man were both loved on and oohed over. Bubs had a blast with his Gammy's new dog, a four year old lab named Casey, right up until he was laid out with a major allergy attack. Thankfully, we were able to enjoy a full day of fun at a local indoor water park before this happened.

The car ride was interesting with E-man needing to be fed and burped every couple of hours. The Hubs and I took turns being squished between the boys' carseats, but we managed to be able to stand upright by the end of the ride....well, almost.

I hear E-man on the baby monitor so I'll just leave you with a few pics.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Somethin' to smile about...

There they are. Our boys. How they brighten my world, y'all! When those two are together and happy all's right in our little part of the world. Of course, when little E-man is old enough to get into the Bubs's trains those moments may be a little less frequent!

The Bubs will be "graduating" from Kindergarten tomorrow. Oooohhhhh...insert big, heartfelt sigh here. My baby (who will always be my baby no matter how many times he rolls his eyes at me) is growing up. He's a smart, inquisitive, charming little guy that his Dad and I are quite proud of.

He's been Poppi's (grandpa's) buddy the last few weeks. Shopping excursions, contraband snacks, sleepovers, and laughter has abounded. Of course, since staying with Poppi is such a blast the Bubs now wants to move in with him! He did say once, however, that he wanted to stay with Poppi so he wouldn't be alone.

Who says children are always selfish and never think of others?

What a year this has been...uh, year in the terms of a school year. We've had great joys and a great sorrow. I know that more of both will come our way because that's what happens in life. I truly hope, though, that we're able to make the most of every joy and allow our Heavenly Father to see us through the sorrows. This is what I want our boys to learn from us.